Uncle Clint and Aunt Joanne got married on May 23. The ceremony was sweet and very intimate. The greatest part was the silly string that somehow ended up covering the newlyweds as they said "I do." I also understand that silly string made its way into the sheets in their bed...
On Friday, we joined my mom at her school for a luau. She put the celebration for teachers together to mark the end of the school year. We had so much fun! Noah dressed up in his Hawaiian shirt and I even baked a pina colada cake (I learned that rum flavoring is 29% alcohol). It was definitely a day we will not soon forget.
Jacob, Noah, and I had a blast visiting Mark, Carolena, and John in Havana, FL, this past weekend. It was sooo nice to get away for a couple of days and just enjoy being around friends. Noah and John got along really well, too. In fact, when we got home, Noah decided to take an 8 oz. bottle, roll over, and suck a pacifier. He's growing up sooo fast!

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