I have a few minutes because both of my guys are in the bed. After recovering from the stomach flu, Noah had a great week last week. This morning, though, he woke up and was very congested. He's coughing, has a runny nose, fever, ears are draining...the works. Jacob was really sick with a horrible cold on Thursday and Friday. He seemed to be feeling better yesterday, but he's back down tonight.
So I realized this week that people in our area seem to have forgotten about a significant holiday between Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving and Independence Day have always been my favorite holidays. It breaks my heart to see so many people forgetting about Thanksgiving and moving straight to Christmas. Our family tradition has always been to decorate for Christmas the day after Turkey Day. That way the true meaning of T-giving isn't lost in the lights and decorations.
I've been trying for a while now to establish a good daily routine for Noah. I read in several books and was told by our pediatrician that 9-month-old should get around 12 hours of sleep at night and take 2 1.5-2 hour naps during the day. Noah had been sleeping through the night, but he was only sleeping 8-9 hours. He hasn't slept through the night in 2 weeks. He's up around 2 AM just crying and then is up again around 5 AM. This is throwing our daily routine off... Any suggestions?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
6-Month Well Baby Check
Noah went for his 6-month check-up with Dr. Evans today. Yes, I know he is almost 8 months old, but he couldn't get shots while he was sick and on antibiotics. We got one of four 6-month shots today. Last time we did all of the shots at once, Noah got EXTREMELY sick. Since there are no immunizations required at 9 months, we will take one shot per month between now and January...just in time for him to get his one-year immunizations started in February. Noah weighed 17.5 pounds today and is 25 inches long. Dr.Evans expressed some concern over this as these numbers put Noah in the 3rd percentile as far as height/weight for babies his age. Dr. Evans wants us to keep Noah on a regular feeding schedule and just see what happens. Chances are he will eventually catch up. There is also a strong possibility he just inherited the short gene...just take a look at Jacob and myself! Anyways, the only other news is that we have to find a pediatric dentist. Because of all of the antibiotics Noah has been on recently, it looks like he has developed a fluoride deficiency causing discoloration of the teeth/gums. If anyone knows of a pediatric dentist in the area, please let me know! We're also dealing with some gastro- issues. We are going to keep a detailed record of Noah's stomch issues over the course of the next month and go from there. We will most likely be referred to a pediatric gastrointerologist at that time.
We had a busy weekend beginning with Jacob's surgery on Friday. The pins have finally been removed from his foot and he seems to be on the road to recovery. Aunt Nina brought dinner on Friday night, so we enjoyed spending some time with her, Grandaddy, and my parents. On Saturday, Jacob and I attended a new member get-together in our pastor's home. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and getting to know some other new members. We are now "officially" members of Byne. Noah enjoyed spending the afternoon with my parents. Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch. We wanted to go and get some good fall pictures, but it was HOT! We got a few pics, but we are hoping to get a few more as it begins to cool off.
More to come soon!
We had a busy weekend beginning with Jacob's surgery on Friday. The pins have finally been removed from his foot and he seems to be on the road to recovery. Aunt Nina brought dinner on Friday night, so we enjoyed spending some time with her, Grandaddy, and my parents. On Saturday, Jacob and I attended a new member get-together in our pastor's home. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and getting to know some other new members. We are now "officially" members of Byne. Noah enjoyed spending the afternoon with my parents. Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch. We wanted to go and get some good fall pictures, but it was HOT! We got a few pics, but we are hoping to get a few more as it begins to cool off.
More to come soon!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I don't know who all reads this, but I want to go ahead and warn you that this blog is an expression of my feelings about a certain situation. I will be the first to admit that I am bitter about what has happened. I desire to exhibit the love of Christ with a humble heart and a spirit of forgiveness.
As I sit here writing this, my brother-in-law is getting married in Atlanta. Why, you may ask, am I not attending the ceremony? The answer is simple: I don't know. I don't vent very often, but I'm having a very difficult time dealing with this situation.
Jon and Marla got engaged a few weeks after Noah's birth. Jacob and I were ecstatic when they announced their engagement and were excited about participating in the wedding festivities. The wedding date was announced in late June: October 3. The problem? Jacob has Reserve drill the first weekend of every month. Jake has been in the Army for 7 years, and he has had drill the same weekend for each of those 7 years. Scheduling the wedding for the same weekend as Jake's drill hurt deeply, but what made the situation worse for Jacob and myself is that my mother-in-law demanded that we change our wedding date until we found a date to accommodate Jon and Marla. No one ever asked us if we would be able to make it today. We feel like our presence at the wedding wasn't important to Jacob's family. We are hurt and it's going to take time to get over it. I've been physically ill over the entire situation today. Noah and I could have made the trip to Atlanta ourselves, but I knew I couldn't handle Noah on a 3-hour ride alone (especially as sick as he has been). I also had to take Jacob to Tallahassee yesterday and will have to pick him up tomorrow. Two trips to Tallahassee and a trip to Atlanta would have been a lot for my little man (and me!) to handle in three days. I guess I would feel better if someone had offered to help me so that Noah and I could have attended the wedding.
I guess I'm finished venting...and I guess Jon and Marla are almost married.
Newlywed Prayer (for Jon and Marla)
As I sit here writing this, my brother-in-law is getting married in Atlanta. Why, you may ask, am I not attending the ceremony? The answer is simple: I don't know. I don't vent very often, but I'm having a very difficult time dealing with this situation.
Jon and Marla got engaged a few weeks after Noah's birth. Jacob and I were ecstatic when they announced their engagement and were excited about participating in the wedding festivities. The wedding date was announced in late June: October 3. The problem? Jacob has Reserve drill the first weekend of every month. Jake has been in the Army for 7 years, and he has had drill the same weekend for each of those 7 years. Scheduling the wedding for the same weekend as Jake's drill hurt deeply, but what made the situation worse for Jacob and myself is that my mother-in-law demanded that we change our wedding date until we found a date to accommodate Jon and Marla. No one ever asked us if we would be able to make it today. We feel like our presence at the wedding wasn't important to Jacob's family. We are hurt and it's going to take time to get over it. I've been physically ill over the entire situation today. Noah and I could have made the trip to Atlanta ourselves, but I knew I couldn't handle Noah on a 3-hour ride alone (especially as sick as he has been). I also had to take Jacob to Tallahassee yesterday and will have to pick him up tomorrow. Two trips to Tallahassee and a trip to Atlanta would have been a lot for my little man (and me!) to handle in three days. I guess I would feel better if someone had offered to help me so that Noah and I could have attended the wedding.
I guess I'm finished venting...and I guess Jon and Marla are almost married.
Newlywed Prayer (for Jon and Marla)
Lord watch over us as we
venture into uncharted seas.
Protect and guide us to live in Your glory
and be an example of Your love.
Watch over our families that have become one through our union.
Give us the patience and understanding to weather the storms that test every alliance.
Be our shelter when we are homeless
and our compass when we have lost our way.
Lord let us always be forever grateful
for the gifts You have bestowed upon us.
So that never a day goes by that we take for granted the love we share now.
And let the everlasting love we will share together always fill our hearts.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We got some great news today! Jacob was supposed to start at Lee State Prison on November 1. That would have meant driving from Lee County to Valdosta for almost two weeks. Lee State called today to let him know that his transfer date has been moved back to October 1. That means Jacob will begin work at Lee State Prison as soon as Dr. Stanich releases him! PRAISE THE LORD! On another note, Jacob's foot has been giving him fits for the last couple of days. We are going to the doctor in the morning...we are praying everything is okay and still healing appropriately.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Reunions and Birthdays
Today has been incredibly busy. We went to the Hatcher family reunion early today. We don't normally go, but Papa always went, so it was important to my dad that we be there. Noah was still throwing up and had diarrhea this morning, so Mom kept him at her house. Noah always enjoys spending time with his Dondi! After the reunion, we went and picked up Noah and Mom and headed to Natalie's birthday party. We all had a good time fellowshipping with family and friends. Natalie spend the majority of the time opening gifts...
My mom and I took Noah to Grandaddy's house one day last week so that he could see all of the animals. While we were there, we found a little push-around car that belonged to Noatalie when she was younger. We put Noah in it and he FELL IN LOVE! Mom thought it would be a good idea to get a similar car to keep at her house, so I went on a mission to Toys-R-Us on Thursday. I found the car just like Natalie's, but I also found the most adorable convertible tricycle. I ended up getting both. The tricycle is for our house, and the car is for my parent's house.
My mom and I took Noah to Grandaddy's house one day last week so that he could see all of the animals. While we were there, we found a little push-around car that belonged to Noatalie when she was younger. We put Noah in it and he FELL IN LOVE! Mom thought it would be a good idea to get a similar car to keep at her house, so I went on a mission to Toys-R-Us on Thursday. I found the car just like Natalie's, but I also found the most adorable convertible tricycle. I ended up getting both. The tricycle is for our house, and the car is for my parent's house.
A synopsis of our life in the last 2 months:
Noah is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He is sitting up and scooting around. If he wants to go somewhere, he just rolls. He has the crawling motion down and almost has his tummy completely off the ground. It's amazing to see how much he is learning every day. If he hears someone cough, he now imitates them. He will also imitate laughing and, unfortunately for us, any high pitched yelp or scream.
Anyways, it's Army Wives night, so I am going to watch with my incredible hubby!
- We moved from Tifton to Lee County. The move was sudden, but we are thrilled to be back in our hometown and so close to family and friends.
- Jacob completed a month of Annual Training at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin. I think I need to add in here that the move occurred while Jacob was gone to AT.
- Jacob returned from AT, dropped a 20-pound dumbbell on his foot, and had to have surgery. He now has two 6-inch titanium rods protruding from his big toe. The rods are scheduled to come out in 2 weeks, and he is supposed to return to work on October 19th...God-willing!
- We joined Byne Memorial Baptist Church in Albany. We are sooo excited about getting to know and becoming involved with our new church family!
Noah is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He is sitting up and scooting around. If he wants to go somewhere, he just rolls. He has the crawling motion down and almost has his tummy completely off the ground. It's amazing to see how much he is learning every day. If he hears someone cough, he now imitates them. He will also imitate laughing and, unfortunately for us, any high pitched yelp or scream.
Anyways, it's Army Wives night, so I am going to watch with my incredible hubby!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lots of Updates
Noah's being entertained by Sesame Street at the moment, so I have a few minutes to update.
Noah had his four-month vaccinations on Thursday. I knew he didn't feel well on Thursday night, but I attributed it to four shots, gave him Tylenol, and put him to bed. He didn't sleep AT ALL Thursday night. He was restless and just acted like he couldn't get comfortable. When I got him up yesterday (Friday), he was burning up. I took his temperature was 102. I was told that vaccines can cause a low-grade fever, but I knew 102 was pushing it. I called our pediatrician in Macon and he said Noah needed to see someone closer to us. To make a long story (including a VERY frustrating morning at the hospital) short, Stacy Evans was willing to see Noah at his office in Albany yesterday afternoon. Noah has rosiola, a highly contagious high-fever virus. His temp has been fluctuating between 101 ans 104. All we can do is keep pumping Tylenol and Motrin in him... We are, prayerfully, now on the road to recovery.
We got back from our trip to Orlando and Crescent City on Tuesday. Jacob and I had an absolutely incredible time at the Army marriage retreat in Orlando. We had the chance to participate in some amazing classes, stay at the Ritz Carlton (for free), eat at Rainforest Cafe (Jake was amazed!), and visit Downtown Disney. I would definitely recommend the retreat to any Army couple eligible to participate. The program is sponsored through Army chaplains and couples are eligible to go to one retreat each year...DEFINITELY WORTH IT!
Noah had a great time staying with my parents and Maegan. He was sick with rotavirus the entire time we were gone, but that didn't stop him from cutting the fool with Maegan and putting on a show for Debbie, Larry, and Uncle Robert. My mom knows me too well because she didn't tell me how sick Noah was; she knew I would leave the retreat to go back to him. They called the pediatrician and did everything they could...and it worked. Mom always knows best. THANK GOD FOR AN AMAZING FAMILY AND WONDERFUL FRIENDS!
Noah had his four-month vaccinations on Thursday. I knew he didn't feel well on Thursday night, but I attributed it to four shots, gave him Tylenol, and put him to bed. He didn't sleep AT ALL Thursday night. He was restless and just acted like he couldn't get comfortable. When I got him up yesterday (Friday), he was burning up. I took his temperature was 102. I was told that vaccines can cause a low-grade fever, but I knew 102 was pushing it. I called our pediatrician in Macon and he said Noah needed to see someone closer to us. To make a long story (including a VERY frustrating morning at the hospital) short, Stacy Evans was willing to see Noah at his office in Albany yesterday afternoon. Noah has rosiola, a highly contagious high-fever virus. His temp has been fluctuating between 101 ans 104. All we can do is keep pumping Tylenol and Motrin in him... We are, prayerfully, now on the road to recovery.
We got back from our trip to Orlando and Crescent City on Tuesday. Jacob and I had an absolutely incredible time at the Army marriage retreat in Orlando. We had the chance to participate in some amazing classes, stay at the Ritz Carlton (for free), eat at Rainforest Cafe (Jake was amazed!), and visit Downtown Disney. I would definitely recommend the retreat to any Army couple eligible to participate. The program is sponsored through Army chaplains and couples are eligible to go to one retreat each year...DEFINITELY WORTH IT!
Noah had a great time staying with my parents and Maegan. He was sick with rotavirus the entire time we were gone, but that didn't stop him from cutting the fool with Maegan and putting on a show for Debbie, Larry, and Uncle Robert. My mom knows me too well because she didn't tell me how sick Noah was; she knew I would leave the retreat to go back to him. They called the pediatrician and did everything they could...and it worked. Mom always knows best. THANK GOD FOR AN AMAZING FAMILY AND WONDERFUL FRIENDS!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Photo-sharing Site
Because I was have sooo many pictures I want to share, we have a new photo-sharing site. You can find our family pictures at http://jlnfallin.shutterfly.com. This site is incredibly easy to use and is an amazing tool for sharing pictures with family and friends who may not do the social networking thing...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What a difference a day makes...
I'm reading a Focus on the Family book now entitled Loving Your Relatives...Even When You Don't See Eye-to-Eye. Mom gave me the book a few weeks ago. She read it several years ago, and her attitude towards certain family situations changed dramatically. Please keep Jacob and I in your prayers as we continue to deal with a difficult family situation. We have seen God at work in the last week, but Satan is constantly showing his ugly face and discouraging us. Please pray that we will overcome this situation and that we are able to recognize that God's perfect plan may not be what we want it to be.
The last week or so has been crazy. Noah was a sick little boy last week with an upper respiratory infection. We went to the doctor and were given a prescription for amoxicillin. Apparently the little guy is allergic to penicillin because he broke out in a horrible rash around his right eye. The doctor then took us off all medication and told us to let the illness run its course. The upper respiratory infection has cleared up, but Noah is running a fever and is broken out in a rash on his back and stomach today. We're going to watch the rash for a few more hours and may head to the emergency room later tonight if it doesn't clear up.
Last Thursday night, we met Jacob's parents for dinner at Hong Kong Cafe in Albany. We then went to the mall where Noah was fitted for his first pair of shoes. His foot measured less than a size 1. We bought him an adorable pair of flip-flops (size 1), but they are too small...go figure.

We spent Thursday and Friday nights at my parent's house in Mitchell County. On Friday night, Mrs. Michelle, Mr. Randy, Bailey, Tyson, Jayna, and Ms. Ann came out and had dinner with us. We had such a great time together and it was soooo good to see the kids! We hope to have many more nights of friends, fellowship, and fun like this in the near future!
We came home yesterday, and time I walked in the door, I realized that I left all of Noah's bottles, cereal, and formula (and my make-up) in Mitchell County. Mom and Dad were kind enough to meet us in Sylvester to give them to us. We decided to meet at Dairy Queen and get an ice cream. Noah thoroughly enjoyed his cold treat ;o)
The last week or so has been crazy. Noah was a sick little boy last week with an upper respiratory infection. We went to the doctor and were given a prescription for amoxicillin. Apparently the little guy is allergic to penicillin because he broke out in a horrible rash around his right eye. The doctor then took us off all medication and told us to let the illness run its course. The upper respiratory infection has cleared up, but Noah is running a fever and is broken out in a rash on his back and stomach today. We're going to watch the rash for a few more hours and may head to the emergency room later tonight if it doesn't clear up.
Last Thursday night, we met Jacob's parents for dinner at Hong Kong Cafe in Albany. We then went to the mall where Noah was fitted for his first pair of shoes. His foot measured less than a size 1. We bought him an adorable pair of flip-flops (size 1), but they are too small...go figure.

We spent Thursday and Friday nights at my parent's house in Mitchell County. On Friday night, Mrs. Michelle, Mr. Randy, Bailey, Tyson, Jayna, and Ms. Ann came out and had dinner with us. We had such a great time together and it was soooo good to see the kids! We hope to have many more nights of friends, fellowship, and fun like this in the near future!
We came home yesterday, and time I walked in the door, I realized that I left all of Noah's bottles, cereal, and formula (and my make-up) in Mitchell County. Mom and Dad were kind enough to meet us in Sylvester to give them to us. We decided to meet at Dairy Queen and get an ice cream. Noah thoroughly enjoyed his cold treat ;o)

Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day Recap
I absolutely adore my dad. This Father's Day was tough for him because this was his first year without his dad. My dad spent the night with us Saturday night and went to church with Noah and myself on Sunday (Jake had to work...). Anyways, on Saturday night my mom mentioned that it was time for Noah to start using a high chair. Our plan all along has been to get the Jenny Lind high chair that matches Noah's crib from my parents' house. When we mentioned getting the high chair from the house, Dad very quickly objected. He was determined that Noah needed a NEW high chair. That's what he asked for for Father's Day...that he get to buy Noah a new high chair. We went after church on Sunday and got the high chair. Noah LOVES sitting in it and we have enjoyed his being able to sit at the dinner table with us!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
I have a few minutes to update tonight because Noah is in the bed and Jacob has gone with my dad to hear the Chuck Wagon Gang in Norman Park. We had a wonderful evening celebrating Father's Day with my mom and dad. Jake grilled pork chops and we ate dinner at our house. Jacob made Father's Day extra special for my dad by taking him to the concert tonight. Jake even had a good time and won a CD for being the youngest father at the sing...he was excited! Unfortunately, Jake has to work tomorrow (Hopefully, his new tacklebox will brighten his day!). When he gets off, we are going to Uncle Clint's house for a Father's Day cookout. I'll post pictures as soon as I have time.
Last Wednesday evening, we invited Jacob's grandparents out to the house my parents are in the process of remodeling for a fish fry. Jacob and I have been struggling to understand some things happening in our lives the last few weeks, but this evening was exactly what we needed. Granny and "Pops" Witczak, Josh (Jake's brother), Dondi, Papa Juddie, Aunt Joanne and Uncle Clint, Grandaddy, Aunt Kaye, Aunt Mildred, and Maegan all came to eat with us. The fellowship with friends and family gave us the opportunity to see just how many people in our lives love us and will be there for us no matter what.

Noah is growing by leaps and bounds! Last week, he VERY suddenly stopped fitting into his 3 month sleepers (he's too long). He's now wearing a size 3 months in regular clothes and 3-6 months in sleepers. He's eating cereal on a regular basis, and I've started giving him a LITTLE baby food every now and then just to let him get used to the different textures in his mouth. We're FINALLY settling into a schedule. We start our nightly routine of bath, bottle, and bed by 7:45 each night. He's going to sleep around 9:00 and sleeping until at least 5:00 each morning. PRAISE THE LORD! I can't believe how quickly my baby boy is growing up!
It's getting late and Jacob has to get up eary in the morning, so I'm headed to bed. We are looking forward to a wonderful morning of worship at Northside in the morning!
Last Wednesday evening, we invited Jacob's grandparents out to the house my parents are in the process of remodeling for a fish fry. Jacob and I have been struggling to understand some things happening in our lives the last few weeks, but this evening was exactly what we needed. Granny and "Pops" Witczak, Josh (Jake's brother), Dondi, Papa Juddie, Aunt Joanne and Uncle Clint, Grandaddy, Aunt Kaye, Aunt Mildred, and Maegan all came to eat with us. The fellowship with friends and family gave us the opportunity to see just how many people in our lives love us and will be there for us no matter what.

It's getting late and Jacob has to get up eary in the morning, so I'm headed to bed. We are looking forward to a wonderful morning of worship at Northside in the morning!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Jacob just found out that we got into the Army marriage retreat being held at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando in July. We are SOOOO excited! Our plan is to head down to Palatka, FL, on July 9 with my parents, spend the night at the lake house there, and head over to Orlando on the morning of the 10th. Jake and I will be at the retreat July 10-12. After it's over, we will head back to Palatka and spend a few days fishing and just relaxing with my family. Yes, I'm more than a little ECSTATIC about getting away for a WHOLE WEEK!
This coming up week is going to be busy. Jake is off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and we have plans to help my parents at the house in Mitchell County. We absolutely love spending time over there, and it's certainly nice to have the help with Noah. Our goals this week include finishing the back bedroom and getting a chain link fence put up for the dogs. We have decided that Dixie is going to go live with Mom and Dad until she calms down some. They have a little more time (and know-how) during the summer to spend with her and help train her. I am definitely going to miss my guard-dog, though!
Anyways, I'm getting off the computer now so that I can watch Army Wives. That show takes on an entirely new meaning when you're actually the wife of a soldier!
This coming up week is going to be busy. Jake is off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and we have plans to help my parents at the house in Mitchell County. We absolutely love spending time over there, and it's certainly nice to have the help with Noah. Our goals this week include finishing the back bedroom and getting a chain link fence put up for the dogs. We have decided that Dixie is going to go live with Mom and Dad until she calms down some. They have a little more time (and know-how) during the summer to spend with her and help train her. I am definitely going to miss my guard-dog, though!
Anyways, I'm getting off the computer now so that I can watch Army Wives. That show takes on an entirely new meaning when you're actually the wife of a soldier!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Dancing on my potato chips...
God's just dancing on my potato chips...
I read this in my devotion yesterday morning and have decided it is my new life motto... For the background story, you can visit http://refinementfire.blogspot.com/2009/03/does-god-dance-on-your-potato-chips.html. To sum it up, God doesn't always answer prayers in the way we want or expect. This is a lesson I am having to learn the hard way.
The last 3 days have been busy, busy, busy. My parents are remodeling the house in Mitchell County and preparing to move. Jacob and I spent Monday and Tuesday over there painting, pressure washing, painting, cleaning, painting, etc. Jacob met us over there after he got off work yesterday to finish up the first bedroom being remodeled. It looks INCREDIBLE...a huge difference from the carpet that was laid in the 50's and the dingy-looking walls. I can't wait to see a little more of the finished product and have a better idea of what the house is going to look like.
Noah is doing incredibly well. We had decided to start cereal on Tuesday. It seemed like the formula just wasn't filling him up and he was hungry all the time. I gave him the cereal late Tuesday, but he woke up with a rash and huge red spots on his legs yesterday morning. We are going to wait until we go back to see Dr. Kallay and see what he says before we give him any more cereal. Dondi did let him have a tiny taste of mashed potatoes...and he LOVED them!
I read this in my devotion yesterday morning and have decided it is my new life motto... For the background story, you can visit http://refinementfire.blogspot.com/2009/03/does-god-dance-on-your-potato-chips.html. To sum it up, God doesn't always answer prayers in the way we want or expect. This is a lesson I am having to learn the hard way.
The last 3 days have been busy, busy, busy. My parents are remodeling the house in Mitchell County and preparing to move. Jacob and I spent Monday and Tuesday over there painting, pressure washing, painting, cleaning, painting, etc. Jacob met us over there after he got off work yesterday to finish up the first bedroom being remodeled. It looks INCREDIBLE...a huge difference from the carpet that was laid in the 50's and the dingy-looking walls. I can't wait to see a little more of the finished product and have a better idea of what the house is going to look like.
Noah is doing incredibly well. We had decided to start cereal on Tuesday. It seemed like the formula just wasn't filling him up and he was hungry all the time. I gave him the cereal late Tuesday, but he woke up with a rash and huge red spots on his legs yesterday morning. We are going to wait until we go back to see Dr. Kallay and see what he says before we give him any more cereal. Dondi did let him have a tiny taste of mashed potatoes...and he LOVED them!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Highlight of the day: We watched Susan Boyle's Britain's Got Talent audition in church today. Dr. Evers began a new sermon series entitled "Bailouts." The emphasis today was the need for a bailout when it comes to our dreams. Anyways, it was an incredible morning of worship.
Noah looked SOOO cute at church this morning! He flirted with the ladies in the nursery...they couldn't stop talking about his gorgeous smile.

Jacob had a three-day drill weekend this past weekend, so it was a LOOONG weekend. We went to Papa's house in Mitchell County on Friday and helped Mom and Dad for a little while. Then we came home and crashed! Yesterday, I had to go to David's Bridal in Albany and get fitted for a bridesmaid's dress. We conquered the Albany Mall and Mom got the things to redecorate the first room in the house they are moving into. Mom and Dad came out last night and spent the night with me. I don't mind staying alone, but it was certainly nice having someone here for the night.
Jacob is off for the next two days, so we will be at my parent's new house helping them paint and so forth. I am so excited about being so much closer to my parents once they get moved...
The new season of Army Wives starts tonight, so I'm off!
Noah looked SOOO cute at church this morning! He flirted with the ladies in the nursery...they couldn't stop talking about his gorgeous smile.

Jacob had a three-day drill weekend this past weekend, so it was a LOOONG weekend. We went to Papa's house in Mitchell County on Friday and helped Mom and Dad for a little while. Then we came home and crashed! Yesterday, I had to go to David's Bridal in Albany and get fitted for a bridesmaid's dress. We conquered the Albany Mall and Mom got the things to redecorate the first room in the house they are moving into. Mom and Dad came out last night and spent the night with me. I don't mind staying alone, but it was certainly nice having someone here for the night.
Jacob is off for the next two days, so we will be at my parent's new house helping them paint and so forth. I am so excited about being so much closer to my parents once they get moved...
The new season of Army Wives starts tonight, so I'm off!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Time flies. I think I need to set aside time each week to update this thing. I'm not even sure how many people read this, but I do know that it's great to be able to look back and see what has been going on in our lives...
Uncle Clint and Aunt Joanne got married on May 23. The ceremony was sweet and very intimate. The greatest part was the silly string that somehow ended up covering the newlyweds as they said "I do." I also understand that silly string made its way into the sheets in their bed...
On Friday, we joined my mom at her school for a luau. She put the celebration for teachers together to mark the end of the school year. We had so much fun! Noah dressed up in his Hawaiian shirt and I even baked a pina colada cake (I learned that rum flavoring is 29% alcohol). It was definitely a day we will not soon forget.
Jacob, Noah, and I had a blast visiting Mark, Carolena, and John in Havana, FL, this past weekend. It was sooo nice to get away for a couple of days and just enjoy being around friends. Noah and John got along really well, too. In fact, when we got home, Noah decided to take an 8 oz. bottle, roll over, and suck a pacifier. He's growing up sooo fast!

Uncle Clint and Aunt Joanne got married on May 23. The ceremony was sweet and very intimate. The greatest part was the silly string that somehow ended up covering the newlyweds as they said "I do." I also understand that silly string made its way into the sheets in their bed...
On Friday, we joined my mom at her school for a luau. She put the celebration for teachers together to mark the end of the school year. We had so much fun! Noah dressed up in his Hawaiian shirt and I even baked a pina colada cake (I learned that rum flavoring is 29% alcohol). It was definitely a day we will not soon forget.
Jacob, Noah, and I had a blast visiting Mark, Carolena, and John in Havana, FL, this past weekend. It was sooo nice to get away for a couple of days and just enjoy being around friends. Noah and John got along really well, too. In fact, when we got home, Noah decided to take an 8 oz. bottle, roll over, and suck a pacifier. He's growing up sooo fast!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Feeling Better

I'm posting this at 1:00 in the morning because we are letting Noah sleep in his crib for the first time tonight. I'm afraid I won't hear him if he wakes up (despite super-sensitive baby monitors). We also had our house "bombed" for bugs today. Even though Jacob and my dad told me the fumes shouldn't be of concern, I'm worried that Noah will react to the chemicals. Next time, we'll plan on spending the night elsewhere...
Not much has happened this week. We are recovering from Noah's being ill and trying to get him back in a routine. Jacob started work at Valdosta State Prison on Monday. This has cut his commute almost in half. Uncle Clint's wedding is this weekend, and we are excited about that.
I'm going to try and get some sleep. Once again, thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement and support.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Second Opinions
It is so amazing to have friends who will do anything for you. While I was living in Macon, I baby-sat a little boy named William (whom I absolutely fell in love with!). I remembered yesterday that William's parents are close to another couple living in their neighborhood, both of whom are pediatricians. I called Mrs. Kim and asked her if she thought there was any possibility one of the doctors could see Noah and give us a second opinion. By 7:30 last night, I had been told to have Noah at the office in Macon as early as possible and that he would be worked in.
Seeing Dr. Kallay today made both Jacob and myself feel 100% better. Dr. Kallay looked at the upper GI that was performed last week and immediately noticed that Noah's liver is enlarged (a SLIGHT detail overlooked by the doctors in Tifton). A physical examination of the abdomen confirmed his finding. He also told us that there is no point in a 10-week-old being on 2 medications and a prescription formula when the underlying problem is still a mystery. We have scheduled another upper GI to be performed by a pediatric radiologist on Friday in Macon. Dr. Kallay wants to get a closer look at the liver and ensure that Noah's intestines are not twisted. We have come off all medications (they didn't seem to be working), changed formulas to Enfamil (all we had ever been advised to give Noah was Similac), stopped taking the rice cereal (in case the intestines are underdeveloped and/or twisted), and changed bottles (Noah has a very high palette and was having trouble with Playtex drop-ins nipples). We are prayerful that we are on the right track to discovering what is wrong with our baby.
Seeing Dr. Kallay today made both Jacob and myself feel 100% better. Dr. Kallay looked at the upper GI that was performed last week and immediately noticed that Noah's liver is enlarged (a SLIGHT detail overlooked by the doctors in Tifton). A physical examination of the abdomen confirmed his finding. He also told us that there is no point in a 10-week-old being on 2 medications and a prescription formula when the underlying problem is still a mystery. We have scheduled another upper GI to be performed by a pediatric radiologist on Friday in Macon. Dr. Kallay wants to get a closer look at the liver and ensure that Noah's intestines are not twisted. We have come off all medications (they didn't seem to be working), changed formulas to Enfamil (all we had ever been advised to give Noah was Similac), stopped taking the rice cereal (in case the intestines are underdeveloped and/or twisted), and changed bottles (Noah has a very high palette and was having trouble with Playtex drop-ins nipples). We are prayerful that we are on the right track to discovering what is wrong with our baby.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Good Friends
Yesterday, Jacob, Noah, and I met my mom, dad, and Maegan and went to see Tiffany in Newton. Tiffany is having surgery next Thursday and the doctors are very concerned about her having to be put to sleep. For those of you who don't know, Tiffany is one of mine and Maegan's best friends and our families are pretty close. Tiffany has spina bifida and is currently under the care of Hospice. She is such an inspiration to everyone she meets. Anyways, we had a great time visiting with Tiffany, Mr. John, and Mrs. Teresa. Noah had a blast being spoiled by Mrs. Teresa and even let Tiffany hold him for a long time.

We are so blessed to have people like the Moores' in our lives! Please keep Tiffany and her family in your prayers this week as they prepare for her surgery on Thursday.
We are headed to the farm this afternoon to grill out with Uncle Clint and my mom's side of the family. I'm sure I'll take pictures and share them soon!

We are headed to the farm this afternoon to grill out with Uncle Clint and my mom's side of the family. I'm sure I'll take pictures and share them soon!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Cherish Every Moment
We have learned to cherish Jacob's off days more since Noah's arrival. Jacob works 6 days and is off for 3 days. Getting up at 3:45 AM on work days means he is ready to crash when he gets home in the afternoons. Anyways, today was one of those days we got to do something extra special with my family. Dad, Aunt Wanda, and "Aunt" Kay came over and had lunch with us. Jacob grilled hamburgers and they were delicious. It was a great time of food and fellowship.
Yesterday, Noah took his first trip to the park. We went and walked around and Jacob even took him down the slide. It was nice to spend time outside enjoying the gorgeous Spring weather.
While we were at the park, we stopped and talked to an older couple there with their granddaughter. They told us that there had just been an accident in which a Tifton police officer was killed. Please keep this family in your prayers.
Dad and Aunt Wanda both seem to be doing well since Papa's death. They went to meet with the attorney to see about having the will probated on Tuesday. The biggest decision right now seems to be what will happen to Papa's houses and the almost 50 acres of land he owned. My parents are prayerfully considering moving into the house...the selfish part of me wants them to do this since it means they will be closer to us. Papa built the house the family lived in with his own hands, so seeing his handiwork leave the family would be devastating.
I haven't quite figured out exactly how to post pictures using this blog, but I wanted you to see a few pictures from Papa's funeral. Because Jacob is in the Army and Papa was a part of the Army Air Corps, Jacob was given the opportunity to present Papa's flag to my family. Jacob did an incredible job and we couldn't be prouder that he is a part of our family. The second picture is the hearse pulling through Papa's yard one last time. Papa's yards meant the world to him. It only seemed appropriate that he come through them one more time.

The next few days are going to be busy. We are planning to go see Tiffany in Newnan tomorrow, and we are grilling out at Uncle Clint's on Saturday. We decided to have a repeat of our Easter get-together since my parents weren't able to make it the day before Papa passed away. Hopefully, I'll figure this thing out and get pictures posted soon!
Yesterday, Noah took his first trip to the park. We went and walked around and Jacob even took him down the slide. It was nice to spend time outside enjoying the gorgeous Spring weather.

Dad and Aunt Wanda both seem to be doing well since Papa's death. They went to meet with the attorney to see about having the will probated on Tuesday. The biggest decision right now seems to be what will happen to Papa's houses and the almost 50 acres of land he owned. My parents are prayerfully considering moving into the house...the selfish part of me wants them to do this since it means they will be closer to us. Papa built the house the family lived in with his own hands, so seeing his handiwork leave the family would be devastating.
I haven't quite figured out exactly how to post pictures using this blog, but I wanted you to see a few pictures from Papa's funeral. Because Jacob is in the Army and Papa was a part of the Army Air Corps, Jacob was given the opportunity to present Papa's flag to my family. Jacob did an incredible job and we couldn't be prouder that he is a part of our family. The second picture is the hearse pulling through Papa's yard one last time. Papa's yards meant the world to him. It only seemed appropriate that he come through them one more time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Catching Up
It's been about a month since my last update...and what a month it has been!
Noah continues to grow. At our last doctor visit, he weighed in at 9 POUNDS (almost DOUBLE his birth weight)! It's amazing to see him grow and change on a daily basis. So far we have endured recurring thrush, an ear infection, and low iron. The low iron is still an issue, but apparently this is normal in preemies. We go back for our 2 month well-baby check next Thursday.
Jacob has gotten a job in Valdosta, and we are THRILLED! A position at Valdosta State Prison became available and the Warden at Lee State agreed to release Jacob...PRAISE THE LORD! Our next big obstacle is finding me a job. I've applied for several in the area, but the job market is SQUAT right now.
My granddad passed away on Easter Sunday. We know he's in a better place, but losing a love done is always hard. Please continue to keep my family in your prayers...
Noah continues to grow. At our last doctor visit, he weighed in at 9 POUNDS (almost DOUBLE his birth weight)! It's amazing to see him grow and change on a daily basis. So far we have endured recurring thrush, an ear infection, and low iron. The low iron is still an issue, but apparently this is normal in preemies. We go back for our 2 month well-baby check next Thursday.
Jacob has gotten a job in Valdosta, and we are THRILLED! A position at Valdosta State Prison became available and the Warden at Lee State agreed to release Jacob...PRAISE THE LORD! Our next big obstacle is finding me a job. I've applied for several in the area, but the job market is SQUAT right now.
My granddad passed away on Easter Sunday. We know he's in a better place, but losing a love done is always hard. Please continue to keep my family in your prayers...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
We had quite the busy weekend. Mrs. Kathy, one of my mom's good friends, came over to meet Noah on Saturday. We visited at the house for a little while and then went to Red Lobster for lunch. After lunch, Daddy watched Noah for a couple of hours while I went shopping with Mom and Mrs. Kathy. It was nice to get away for a little while, but I sure did miss my little man!
Yesterday, we went to Papa's house for several hours. Noah enjoyed being held by Aunt Wanda and meeting his cousins Van, Madison, and Emma. Unfortunately, we had to cut our visit short because Noah got sick... We're going to the doctor today at 3:30. I suspect we'll be changing formulas again.
Yesterday, we went to Papa's house for several hours. Noah enjoyed being held by Aunt Wanda and meeting his cousins Van, Madison, and Emma. Unfortunately, we had to cut our visit short because Noah got sick... We're going to the doctor today at 3:30. I suspect we'll be changing formulas again.
Noah, Aunt Wanda, and Madison
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Growing Up
Noah is only 19 days old, but it already seems as though he is growing too fast. The preemie we brought home from the hospital eating less than two ounces of formula every four hours has grown into a 5 lb. 14 oz. baby who ate 7 ounces of formula between 11 PM last night and 6 AM this morning. Watching your own child grow is truly incredible!
Jacob headed back to work today... His last three days off were three of the best we have had in a long time. Noah made his first "out-of-town" trip to Mitchell County to meet Papa Jarone, his great granddaddy. We also discovered how much Noah loves sitting in his swing and riding in the car. The best news, though, came at Noah's doctor's visit yesterday. The little munchkin has finally gained weight and now weighs more than he did when he was born.
In other news... Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. My dad and his sister had to make the decision this week to have their dad (Papa Jarone) placed under the care of Hospice. This was a very difficult decision. Papa has kidney disease and a hernia that has collapsed one lung and is in the process of collapsing the other. It is also interfering with the heart. Accepting that a family member is dying and likley won't be with us for six more months is difficult, but we do find comfort in knowing that Papa is prepared to go to his Heavenly Home.
Well, I guess I should go feed Noah (again...). I never realized the amount of money that could be spent on food for such a tiny person...
Jacob headed back to work today... His last three days off were three of the best we have had in a long time. Noah made his first "out-of-town" trip to Mitchell County to meet Papa Jarone, his great granddaddy. We also discovered how much Noah loves sitting in his swing and riding in the car. The best news, though, came at Noah's doctor's visit yesterday. The little munchkin has finally gained weight and now weighs more than he did when he was born.
In other news... Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. My dad and his sister had to make the decision this week to have their dad (Papa Jarone) placed under the care of Hospice. This was a very difficult decision. Papa has kidney disease and a hernia that has collapsed one lung and is in the process of collapsing the other. It is also interfering with the heart. Accepting that a family member is dying and likley won't be with us for six more months is difficult, but we do find comfort in knowing that Papa is prepared to go to his Heavenly Home.
Well, I guess I should go feed Noah (again...). I never realized the amount of money that could be spent on food for such a tiny person...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Welcome to our life!
Because we have family and friends all over the place, Jacob and I thought this blog would be a good way to keep up with everyone and let those most important to us know what is happening in our lives. A lot has changed in the last several months...and there are many more changes to come.
Adjusting to married life has not been near the challenge either of us was expecting. Aside from figuring out how to fit all of our clothes in one closet and deciding out how we can both get HOT showers at night, we are loving our life together. There are definitely adjustments to be made, though. Jacob and I both love to cook...but neither of us likes a lot of help in the kitchen. I have decided to enjoy his cooking as much as possible while I can because I will be doing it ALL when he deploys again. The same is true for cleaning the house. We both want to clean, but we don't want help cleaning. We'll get there eventually...
The wedding was beautiful and everything I had always dreamed my wedding would be. While I enjoyed certain parts of the planning process, I am VERY relieved it is over! We are so grateful to all of our close family and friends who took the time to share this special evening with us. We will cherish the memories forever!
While I am sure the news has reached almost everyone by now, I want to "officially" let everyone know that Jacob and I are expecting a baby boy. Noah Thomas Fallin is due March 23, 2009. Jacob and I both know that we have made plenty of mistakes; our lives certainly did not progress in the order we expected. We are both grateful to our Heavenly Father for His unending love and undeserved forgiveness. Jacob and I are also thankful for loving families who have chosen to support and not abandon us during this time in our lives. We know that Noah will be a blessing and we ask that you lift our family up in prayer as we prepare to welcome Noah into a loving, Christ-centered home.
Adjusting to married life has not been near the challenge either of us was expecting. Aside from figuring out how to fit all of our clothes in one closet and deciding out how we can both get HOT showers at night, we are loving our life together. There are definitely adjustments to be made, though. Jacob and I both love to cook...but neither of us likes a lot of help in the kitchen. I have decided to enjoy his cooking as much as possible while I can because I will be doing it ALL when he deploys again. The same is true for cleaning the house. We both want to clean, but we don't want help cleaning. We'll get there eventually...
The wedding was beautiful and everything I had always dreamed my wedding would be. While I enjoyed certain parts of the planning process, I am VERY relieved it is over! We are so grateful to all of our close family and friends who took the time to share this special evening with us. We will cherish the memories forever!
While I am sure the news has reached almost everyone by now, I want to "officially" let everyone know that Jacob and I are expecting a baby boy. Noah Thomas Fallin is due March 23, 2009. Jacob and I both know that we have made plenty of mistakes; our lives certainly did not progress in the order we expected. We are both grateful to our Heavenly Father for His unending love and undeserved forgiveness. Jacob and I are also thankful for loving families who have chosen to support and not abandon us during this time in our lives. We know that Noah will be a blessing and we ask that you lift our family up in prayer as we prepare to welcome Noah into a loving, Christ-centered home.
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