Monday, October 12, 2009

6-Month Well Baby Check

Noah went for his 6-month check-up with Dr. Evans today. Yes, I know he is almost 8 months old, but he couldn't get shots while he was sick and on antibiotics. We got one of four 6-month shots today. Last time we did all of the shots at once, Noah got EXTREMELY sick. Since there are no immunizations required at 9 months, we will take one shot per month between now and January...just in time for him to get his one-year immunizations started in February. Noah weighed 17.5 pounds today and is 25 inches long. Dr.Evans expressed some concern over this as these numbers put Noah in the 3rd percentile as far as height/weight for babies his age. Dr. Evans wants us to keep Noah on a regular feeding schedule and just see what happens. Chances are he will eventually catch up. There is also a strong possibility he just inherited the short gene...just take a look at Jacob and myself! Anyways, the only other news is that we have to find a pediatric dentist. Because of all of the antibiotics Noah has been on recently, it looks like he has developed a fluoride deficiency causing discoloration of the teeth/gums. If anyone knows of a pediatric dentist in the area, please let me know! We're also dealing with some gastro- issues. We are going to keep a detailed record of Noah's stomch issues over the course of the next month and go from there. We will most likely be referred to a pediatric gastrointerologist at that time.

We had a busy weekend beginning with Jacob's surgery on Friday. The pins have finally been removed from his foot and he seems to be on the road to recovery. Aunt Nina brought dinner on Friday night, so we enjoyed spending some time with her, Grandaddy, and my parents. On Saturday, Jacob and I attended a new member get-together in our pastor's home. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and getting to know some other new members. We are now "officially" members of Byne. Noah enjoyed spending the afternoon with my parents. Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch. We wanted to go and get some good fall pictures, but it was HOT! We got a few pics, but we are hoping to get a few more as it begins to cool off.

More to come soon!

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