Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We got some great news today! Jacob was supposed to start at Lee State Prison on November 1. That would have meant driving from Lee County to Valdosta for almost two weeks. Lee State called today to let him know that his transfer date has been moved back to October 1. That means Jacob will begin work at Lee State Prison as soon as Dr. Stanich releases him! PRAISE THE LORD! On another note, Jacob's foot has been giving him fits for the last couple of days. We are going to the doctor in the morning...we are praying everything is okay and still healing appropriately.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reunions and Birthdays

Today has been incredibly busy. We went to the Hatcher family reunion early today. We don't normally go, but Papa always went, so it was important to my dad that we be there. Noah was still throwing up and had diarrhea this morning, so Mom kept him at her house. Noah always enjoys spending time with his Dondi! After the reunion, we went and picked up Noah and Mom and headed to Natalie's birthday party. We all had a good time fellowshipping with family and friends. Natalie spend the majority of the time opening gifts...

My mom and I took Noah to Grandaddy's house one day last week so that he could see all of the animals. While we were there, we found a little push-around car that belonged to Noatalie when she was younger. We put Noah in it and he FELL IN LOVE! Mom thought it would be a good idea to get a similar car to keep at her house, so I went on a mission to Toys-R-Us on Thursday. I found the car just like Natalie's, but I also found the most adorable convertible tricycle. I ended up getting both. The tricycle is for our house, and the car is for my parent's house.


A synopsis of our life in the last 2 months:
  • We moved from Tifton to Lee County. The move was sudden, but we are thrilled to be back in our hometown and so close to family and friends.
  • Jacob completed a month of Annual Training at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin. I think I need to add in here that the move occurred while Jacob was gone to AT.
  • Jacob returned from AT, dropped a 20-pound dumbbell on his foot, and had to have surgery. He now has two 6-inch titanium rods protruding from his big toe. The rods are scheduled to come out in 2 weeks, and he is supposed to return to work on October 19th...God-willing!
  • We joined Byne Memorial Baptist Church in Albany. We are sooo excited about getting to know and becoming involved with our new church family!
Now that you have an idea of what's happening in our lives, I can brag on my baby boy! I am blessed to have one of the most adorable, well-behaved, well-adjusted, and happy babies I have ever met! Okay, I may be a little partial... Anyways, Noah has absolutely amazed me over the course of the last 2 months. He has kept ear infections, sinus infections, and has been treated for the flu two times. No matter what, though, that child ALWAYS has a smile on his face! Even when he has a miserable night and can't sleep, he is wide awake at 6:45AM and looking up at me with the biggest grin imaginable. I see Jacob's personality in him more and more each day. My mom (Grandma Dondi) and dad (Papa Juddie) also have a lot to do with Noah's incredible disposition.

Noah is ALL OVER THE PLACE! He is sitting up and scooting around. If he wants to go somewhere, he just rolls. He has the crawling motion down and almost has his tummy completely off the ground. It's amazing to see how much he is learning every day. If he hears someone cough, he now imitates them. He will also imitate laughing and, unfortunately for us, any high pitched yelp or scream.

Anyways, it's Army Wives night, so I am going to watch with my incredible hubby!