It's been about a month since my last update...and what a month it has been!
Noah continues to grow. At our last doctor visit, he weighed in at 9 POUNDS (almost DOUBLE his birth weight)! It's amazing to see him grow and change on a daily basis. So far we have endured recurring thrush, an ear infection, and low iron. The low iron is still an issue, but apparently this is normal in preemies. We go back for our 2 month well-baby check next Thursday.
Jacob has gotten a job in Valdosta, and we are THRILLED! A position at Valdosta State Prison became available and the Warden at Lee State agreed to release Jacob...PRAISE THE LORD! Our next big obstacle is finding me a job. I've applied for several in the area, but the job market is SQUAT right now.
My granddad passed away on Easter Sunday. We know he's in a better place, but losing a love done is always hard. Please continue to keep my family in your prayers...